Tuesday, April 27, 2010


hari nih ..bukak je HP..tetiba aku teringin sangat2 nak baca mcg2 aku yang dlu2..
wohaaaa.simpan lagi dol..
bila boring..
aku baca mcg2 tuh semua..



I've only been ur bf 4 a while...
even though i never seen ur face...
i always think about ur smile,
long to hold u close to me...
kiss the lips of ecstasy..
like continuously replaying wacko images in an asylum bound person head....
pictures of you float around as i fantasize over tthings...
u've said...
the distance between us fortures me everytime i breath...
as though my soul is crying to you...
i need you near me..please!!
honestly...i'm think i'm going crazy..
sitting here acting like this..
because for some apparent reason it's you i always miss..
kind of like ur a famous person...
someone i never see..
as i wonder aimlessly...
in hopes i'll soon see you..
my heart and soul dance together..
and sing alound..

i love you ika !!!

sape yang bagi ekh??
biarlah rahsia..
yang penting..
benda yang lepas...
biarlah terus berlalu..
apa yang ada sekarang..
jagalah dengan sebaik mungkin..
terima kasih atas segalanya...

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